Client : international industrial Group
Objective : To evaluate a given product opportunities and conditions to enter the market of friction materials
Mission: to provide General Management Group information enabling to define the product strategy of the next 10 years
Duration : January to December 2011
Results :
. Market data (economic and major players)
. Real potential for the proposed material
. User expectations
. Two major players willing to work (trials and tests)
Client : French industrial group worldwide leader in its market
Objectif : define the long-term politicy investment and development sales of insulation products in the automotive sector
Mission : to provide to the International OEM markets Management:
- Economic data related to existing product
- Selection criteria for manufacturers
- Planned changes
- Market data
- Specifications
Duration: January to December 2011
Results :
. Confirmation of market interest in the existing
product for the future years
. Mutation of this product by 2020
. Opportunities to combine this product with other
existing products
Market studies, technological watch
Business development & information
To launch and go with industrial development
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